Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art, Graphic + Interactive Design Track

StudioArt, GraphicDesign.jpg


Amy Copeland, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor
Bliss Hall 4089

Sebastian Giraldo, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor
Bliss Hall 4085

Michelle Nelson, M.F.A.
Bliss Hall 4073

About the Major

Step into the vibrant world of Graphic + Interactive Design at Youngstown State University. Our program houses a dynamic studio art major with a concentration in graphic design that ignites creativity and equips students with the tools to shape the design landscape. The program explores typography, illustration, layout design, identity systems, package design, motion graphics, and web design. This program is not just about pixels and vectors; it’s about critical thinking and creative problem-solving with a strong core of fine art studio courses.

The program covers the essentials during your Foundations year. Brushstrokes become design skills, and composition turns into a portfolio of design work. After completing the Freshman Foundations Portfolio Review, you will explore the core of design. You will learn about formal principles, print and interface design vocabulary, and the diverse field of graphic design studies, which will pave the way for future job opportunities. Our alumni work nationally and internationally for companies such as Disney, Sherwin-Williams, Southwest Airlines, the Cafaro Company, Millwood, Berk Enterprises, and more!

Schedule a meeting today to talk to faculty in the program. Our world-class faculty members are more than professors—they are seasoned professionals with a wealth of experience. They will guide you through the intricacies of design theory, from typography to color palettes. Along the way, you will tackle real-world projects, participate in design competitions, and even explore internships. The Junior Portfolio Review and Senior Project will be your stepping stones toward a successful career in graphic + interactive design.

Contact Information

To learn more about our degree programs, scholarships, professional development and careers, exhibitions, faculty, and students, visit Department of Art or contact us at 330.941.3627. 

To schedule a personalized campus visit, contact the Cliffe College of Creative Arts Program Coordinator of Admissions and Recruitment at 330.941.2346 or

YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
General Education Requirements
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
Any Gen Ed Math (Recommended MATH 2623)3
Arts and Humanities (2 courses) Included in major0
Natural Sciences (2 courses, 1 with lab) (7 s.h.)7
Social Science (2 courses)6
General Education Electives 9
CMST 1545 (3 s.h.)
Any Gen Ed Course (3 s.h.)
Any Gen Ed Course (3 s.h.)
Major Requirements
Foundation Courses:
ART 1501Fundamentals of 2D Design3
ART 1502Fundamentals of 3D Design3
ART 1503Freshman Seminar and Portfolio Review1
ART 1521Foundation Drawing3
ART 1522Intermediate Drawing3
Breadth Courses:
ART 2611Introduction to Sculpture3
ART 2625Introduction to Printmaking: Intaglio and Relief3
or ART 2626 Introduction to Printmaking: Lithography and Screenprinting
ART 2631Introduction to Ceramics3
ART 2650Introduction to Painting3
ART 2674Introduction to Photography3
ART 2691Introduction to Digital Media3
Concentration Courses
ART 2661Print Design 13
ART 3759Interactive Design 13
ART 3760Typography 13
ART 3761Print Design 23
ART 3703Junior Portfolio Review1
ART 4869Interactive Design Studio3
ART 4863Logo + Branding Design3
ART 4802Senior Project3
ART 4803Senior Seminar3
Graphic + Interactive Design Menu *CHOOSE 5 courses:15
Typography 2
Package Design
Publication Design
Typeface Design
Interactive Design Studio (This course may be taken two times and is an optional elective.)
Graphic Design Internship
Motion Design
Special Topics in Studio Art
Graphic Design Practicum
Studio Art Elective Options: ART 3713, 3722, 3733, 3757, 3771, 3792, 3794, 3795, 3796, 3797, 4800, 4801, 4824, 4837, 4838, 4851, 4891, 4893, 4896
Art History and Theory
Choose two 1500 level Art History courses from the following:6
ART 1541, ART 1542, ART 1543, ART 1544, ART 1545
Choose three additional 3700 level or higher Art History courses from the following:9
ART 3742, 3743, 3745, 3746, 3783, 3784, 3785, 3789, 4880, 5881
Electives to meet 120 hours2
Total Semester Hours120-122
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
YSU 1500
Success Seminar
or Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or Intro to Honors
ENGL 1550
Writing 1
or Writing 1 with Support
ART 1501 Fundamentals of 2D Design 3
ART 1521 Foundation Drawing 3
Any Gen Ed Math 3
 Semester Hours13-15
ART 1502 Fundamentals of 3D Design 3
ART 1522 Intermediate Drawing 3
ART 1503 Freshman Seminar and Portfolio Review 1
ART 2661 Print Design 1 3
ENGL 1551 Writing 2 3
CMST 1545 Communication Foundations 3
 Semester Hours16
Year 2
ART 3760 Typography 1 3
ART 2691 Introduction to Digital Media 3
ART 1500 level Art History Course 1. (Choose from: ART 1541, 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545) 3
Art Breadth Course 3
General Education Elective - Natural Science + lab 4
 Semester Hours16
ART 3759 Interactive Design 1 (*) 3
Art Breadth Course 3
ART 1500 level Art History Course 1. (Choose from: ART 1541, 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545) 3
General Education Elective - Social Science 3
General Education Elective - Natural Science 3
*Courses are offered in varying fall, spring and summer semesters. Please see graphic design program coordinator for upcoming schedule.  
 Semester Hours15
Year 3
ART 3761 Print Design 2 (*) 3
ART 3703 Junior Portfolio Review (F/S/X) 1
ART 4869 Interactive Design Studio (*) 3
ART 3700 or higher Art History Course 3
Art Breadth Course 3
General Education Elective - Social Science 3
*Courses are offered in varying fall, spring and summer semesters. Please see graphic design program coordinator for upcoming schedule.  
 Semester Hours16
ART 1 of five electives from G+ID menu 3
ART 1 of five electives from G+ID menu 3
ART 3700 or higher Art History Course 3
Art Breadth Course 3
General Education Elective - Any Gen Ed Course 3
Request a Graduation Evaluation from the CCAC Advising Office, 2310 Bliss Hall, (330) 941-3625 after you have completed 80-85 sh.  
 Semester Hours15
Year 4
ART 4863 Logo + Branding Design (*) 3
ART 1 of five electives from G+ID menu 3
ART 1 of five electives from G+ID menu 3
ART 3700 or higher Art History Course 3
General Education Elective - Any Gen Ed Course 3
*Courses are offered in varying fall, spring and summer semesters. Please see graphic design program coordinator for upcoming schedule.  
 Semester Hours15
ART 4802 Senior Project 3
ART 4803 Senior Seminar 3
ART 1 of five electives from G+ID menu 3
Art Breadth Course 3
Electives to meet 120 hours 2
 Semester Hours14
 Total Semester Hours120-122

Learning Outcomes

1. Students will be able to demonstrate their proficiency of art vocabulary.

2. Students will be able to demonstrate technical expertise appropriate to their progression in the program as it is relevant to their chosen artistic medium.

3. Students will be able to demonstrate a high level of content expression appropriate to their progression in the program as it is relevant to their chosen artistic medium.